
Sam Harris es un filósofo y neurocientífico que en los últimos tiempos ha iniciado una campaña intelectual para confrontar la persistencia de creencias religiosas que provienen -literalmente-cuanto menos de la Edad de Hierro, con una sociedad en que la tecnología es cada vez más poderosa y también potencialmente más peligrosa.

Su libro más conocido es "The End of Faith: Religion,Terror and the Future of Reason"

En su artículo "The empty wager" en la versión online de Newsweek:

Acabo de publicar los siguientes comentarios:

Sam Harris is, together with Richard Dawkins and a little bunch of first line scientific writers, one of the few that is confronting the madness of a belief structure that has, systematically and inexorably, led to innumerable collective catastrophes. He is worried, very much so, and with outstanding reason. Religious belief as has been preserved by organized religions, is a calamity that has to be confronted by rational minds all over the world. The clash between those beliefs and super-advanced technology will provoke further holocausts, poisoning, in way to that final destiny, our daily lives in every possible manner. 100% support to Dr. Harris work.

Manuel Gerardo Monasterio

After posting my initial comment, I took a look to other commentators. I think that many rationally prone people would agree with me, and I most certainly do not want to offend any person that feels otherwise, but each time somebody defends his or her faith on account of a man or god, whose accountability rests on the far past (like Buddha, Jesus, or whoever) saying I am a Buddhist, or I am a Christian, etc, I cannot help but think in the following comparison, I imagine a person two thousands years from now, proclaiming: I am a Mickey Mouseian, or a Donald Duckian...Can just we grasp whatever we can from God HERE AND NOW without resorting to some past, improvable and alien experience?

Manuel Gerardo Monasterio

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